Colorado Trail Race CTR

Colorado Trail Race CTR

By 303 Ambassador Sasha Underwood My boyfriend, Dan, has been obsessed with the Colorado Trail Race (CTR) and flirting with racing this event since 2010. CTR is 500 miles with over 70,000 feet of elevation gain (yes you read that correctly) along the Colorado Trail...

Instructor Certification Program Representative at IMBA

Overview: The Instructor Certification Program Representative position is a part-time, hourly non-exempt position responsible for support of the ICP with a focus on administrative work, however this position also includes interaction with potential course hosts,...
July 15, 2016 Weekend Preview

July 15, 2016 Weekend Preview

Cycling Events Friday July 15th WOL Salida Classic Salida Saturday July 16th Cenna’s Cycling Saturday Ride Prospect WOL Salida Classic Salida Bikes 2 Build San Luis Valley Century Bike 2 Build is a benefit ride where each rider raises donations to support the work of...
Orange Mud Endurance Pack Review

Orange Mud Endurance Pack Review

By 303 Ambassador Erin Trail Full disclosure: I am an Orange Mud fanatic.  I got my first OM pack – the HydraQuiver Double Barrel – in Sept 2014, and ever since then I’ve been in love with the brand.  That pack is literally my security blanket on every run I do.  The...

UPDATE 7/13/16 From Salida Cycling Club Regarding the Hayden Fire The excitement for this weekend’s cycling races is growing, and so is the concern over the growing fire south of town. We just wanted to send a short update to keep you all informed over the...

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