50 Ironman-distance triathlons in 50 days in 48 states plus Haiti?

By Kelaine Conochan on espn.com
Ashley Horner steps onto a treadmill, inserts her earplugs and stares at a blank wall as she runs and runs in silence. And runs and runs in silence. The 34-year-old fitness celebrity is training herself to combat boredom. She’s concerned it could set in during her upcoming challenge: 50 Ironman-distance triathlons in 50 days.
All told, that’s 120 miles of swimming (think Los Angeles to San Diego), 5,600 miles of biking (New York to Cairo, Egypt) and 1,310 miles of running (Miami to Chicago). She’ll traverse 7,030 miles (Chicago to Shanghai), start to finish. Incredibly, she has never completed a single Ironman-distance triathlon — 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike and a 26.2-mile run — in her life.
“I’ve done several Olympic distances, several sprint triathlons and a half Ironman, which is 70.3 miles,” Horner says. “But I’ve never actually done a full-distance Ironman triathlon.”
And in an added twist, she’s going to do her first one in Haiti, her next 48 in each of the 48 contiguous states and then No. 50 back in Haiti.
Original post here
The story of Iron Cowboy, James Lawrence here.  In 2015, the Iron Cowboy completed a similar quest.

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  1. Ed

    Uh… How can you say the Iron Cowboy “completed” 50/50 when he clearly did not? You could say almost completed maybe. Would you consider the run segment being done on an elliptical machine qualifying as an Ironman? If a person who did the run on an elliptical and insists it counts as an Ironman also does several of his bike segments on a trainer with no way to verify that the trainer is providing any resistance at all, despite having a power meter on his bike, would you take his word for it that those were legit Ironman rides? If that same guy posted several photos of himself during the attempt violating WADA doping regulations would you think twice about his completion of the event?
    I get that GMA does not understand or care about this stuff but I would expect 303 triathlon to.

  2. Corey Knop

    This sounds like a publicity stunt by someone who obviously craves attention. #BS

  3. Cherie

    I heard he swam in pools also…and got bike mileage in on a trainer. Lame.


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