Katie Zaferes on Making the 2016 Olympic Triathlon Team

From USA Triathlon
BY KATIE ZAFERES | JUNE 23, 2016, 12:17 P.M. (ET)

Photo from USAT

Photo from USAT

It’s been exactly a month since I first found out I was selected for the Rio 2016 Olympic Team! When I got the initial phone call from our High Performance Director I remember just feeling relieved. It was a spot I felt like I deserved, and for it to be confirmed that I would be in the Olympics, I just felt a huge weight being lifted from my chest. I don’t even think it was just the week wait after our final Olympic selection event that was the most stressful. I realized I had probably been stressed since missing the auto qualification at the Rio test event in August 2015. When I realized I was actually going and my dreams were a reality, I felt my shoulders retract from my ears and breathing just felt easier.
The second emotional onset was excitement! This would be my first Olympics! I have no idea what to expect, but I know I get to go to an event surrounded by greatness. I feel pride in that I am going to get to represent my country in the company of the best from around the entire world in so many sports! It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I began to dream that one day I could go to the Olympics. This isn’t because I didn’t want to go to the Olympics, but because I had put Olympians on such a high pedestal that I never thought I would be worthy enough to be one of them. So for me to actually get to be a part of this small and special demographic just feels exhilarating!
Read the entire story here.

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