Get to Know Our 2018 Team Colorado Kona Athletes

[ps2id id=’kiser’ target=”/]RICK KISER
*What kind of bike do you ride? I ride a red kestrel talon
*Where did you qualify for the Ironman World Championships? I qualified through legacy. My 12 race was Cozumel 2015.
*How many Ironman races have you done? I have done 15 Ironman races (2 iron distance but non ironman brand so total of the distance 17).
*How many times have you raced Kona? I have never raced Kona previously.
*What is your favorite non-race activity on the Big Island – if you have not been – what non-race activity are you most excited about? My favorite non-race activity is scuba diving.
*What is your favorite bike training route? The majority of my bike training has been on my trainer, much safer than being on the roads ! no crazy drivers swerving at me, yelling at me or throwing things at me.
*What is your favorite post workout/post race treat? Favorite post race treat is a beer and a burger. Then cheesecake !
*What was one unexpected occurrence on your path to Kona? The unexpected occurrence is it taking so long to finally get here !
*Who do you think will win the pro men’s and women’s races this year? I think Frodeno, Jan for men and Ryf, Daniela for the women.
[ps2id id=’ladewig’ target=”/]ROB LADEWIG
*What kind of bike do you ride? I will be on a FELT (mostly black) tri bike
*Where did you qualify for the Ironman World Championships? I got this years slot at IM Boulder in June
*How many Ironman races have you done? This years Kona will be my 39 full IM
*How many times have you raced Kona? This year will make my 10th trip to compete in the World Championships
*What is your favorite non-race activity on the Big Island – if you have not been – what non-race activity are you most excited about? While not racing I like to head up to Volcano National Park and catch the lava flows
*What is your favorite bike training route? I ride on the Air Force Academy down here in the Springs because it is safe and somewhat bike friendly.
*What is your favorite post workout/post race treat? Macadamia Nut Ice Cream
*What was one unexpected occurrence on your path to Kona? A one minute, seventeen second win at Boulder. Very close race, with a come from behind win at mile 17 on the marathon.
*Who do you think will win the pro men’s and women’s races this year?  I am not sure who will win either race but I sure hope Andy Potts has a great race.
**Featured in 2016 IM Boulder Athlete Video
[ps2id id=’sarahp’ target=”/]SARAH PELTIER
*What kind of bike do you ride? Dimond
*Where did you qualify for the Ironman World Championships? Chattanooga
*How many Ironman races have you done? 10 if you count the one I DNF’d on the run due to my heel breaking at mile 3.
*How many times have you raced Kona? Once before
*What is your favorite non-race activity on the Big Island? So many things to choose from! It’s a three way tie between the Kanaloa Octopus Farm, Da Poke Shack, and Volcanoes National Park.
*What is your favorite bike training route? St Vrain canyon up from Lyons, stop off for a chat @ the Raymond General Store, then P2P to Ward and back down.
*What is your favorite post workout/post race treat? Fritos & rice pudding. So weird I know.
*What was one unexpected occurrence on your path to Kona? This spring I had a last minute opportunity to race in a team sponsored by Strava in The Speed Project – a 340 mile running relay from LA to Las Vegas. Some parts of that race were more mentally challenging than Ironman!
*Who do you think will win the pro men’s and women’s races this year? Rooting for Rinny and True but have to go with Ryf. And with Frodo out I’m going with Lange.

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