Boulder County residents can access significant discounts for electric bikes

Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County and its partners are providing another reason to get out of a car and onto an electric bike (e-bike) by reducing the price and educating the community and the perks to making the switch. For a limited time, the Benefits Boulder County program is offering its final deals on e-bikes.

“This year’s program is no different from past, Boulder County and its partners are making it easier and more affordable for residents to access a technology which lowers impact on the environment and supports healthier lifestyles. By overcoming barriers to cycling such as distance, age, or disability, e-bikes can help more people get on a bike instead of in a gas-powered car.” said Brad Smith, Sustainability Specialist for Boulder County.

Benefits Boulder County is working with seven vendors who are offering discounts of at least 10% off the purchase price. To take advantage of the reduced pricing for an e-bike, residents in all Boulder County communities can go to, sign up, learn which vendors are participating and the specifics on deals, and receive a discount code. These limited time offers are available until July 31, 2018.

“Electric bikes are helping more people cycle and helping people cycle more,” said Smith. “This helps to reduce climate changing greenhouse gas emissions, traffic congestion, and physical inactivity.”

About E-Bikes
E-Bikes are essentially bicycles with a pedal assist electric motor to make the ride more efficient, effective, and fun. This electric motor assists riders to go further faster, aiding them up hills, carrying groceries, and arriving to their destination without breaking a sweat. E-bikes have a variety of uses from leisure to commuting to hauling groceries and even your family. Connect with an authorized dealer to learn more and find a bike that fits your needs.

Program History
Through a competitive solicitation process, an evaluation committee selected reputable vendors to provide sustainability goods and services to Boulder County residents at discounted prices. Since 2015, this program has facilitated the purchase of more than 123 residential rooftop solar systems, 289 electric cars, and 280 electric bikes in Boulder County. Tax payer dollars have only been spent on staff time and outreach; no tax payer dollars have been spent to lower the cost of these technologies.

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