Bolder Boulder celebrates 40 years of city’s iconic race

40 Years Bold,” a new book produced by the Daily Camera and the Bolder Boulder, celebrates 40 years of Boulder’s iconic 10K race.

From the Daily Camera
The cover of the new book about the history of the Bolder Boulder, “40 Years Bold,” captures well the spirit of this iconic 10K road race that will weave its way through the streets of Boulder for the 40th time on Memorial Day.
Daily Camera photographer Jeremy Papasso’s picture shows the packed start of the A wave of the 2014 Bolder Boulder.
Sprinting off the line, smiles on their faces, are some young, high school runners, caught in midstride. In the lead is a fitlooking runner in a Batman costume. Another costumed runner is to his left, while just behind them is a female A wave runner. Over on the left side of the start is a masters runner.
Behind them, filling the cover, is a mass of densely packed runners of varying shapes and sizes. Here we see the competitiveness and size of the Bolder Boulder — surely no other race has as many fast runners in front.
Behind these fast runners, as the book shows, come some of the tens of thousands of other runners and walkers, friends and family, who follow the A wavers into the Folsom Field finish. These are some of the ingredients that make the Bolder Boulder an integral part of Boulder, a rite of spring that many of us run, walk, volunteer at or simply watch.
Then there is the book title: “40 Years Bold.” Appropriate, for the Bolder Boulder has long been bold and innovative in making changes and setting the tone for the Running Boom, which was in its infancy in that first Bolder back in 1979.
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