Intro to Cyclocross Episode 7: VIVA BANDIDO!!!

By Khem Suthiwan


Two words. Stupid fun! If there was a better way to describe Bandido Cross, I would love to hear it!


I will be forever grateful to Matt Sodnicar, the genius mastermind behind Bandido Cross for putting on this amazing display of silly cyclocross shenanigans. With each cross race under my belt, I keep discovering another level of fun I never thought possible.

Super beginner friendly, the course was marked with orange arrows and green arrows. Follow the green arrows if you want the easier route. Cutting the course was encouraged. As announced before the start of the race “if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying hard enough.”




There were two start groups – “Racing” and “Not Really Racing” and all were encouraged to wear costumes. I saw everything from a disco-ball man, Bob Ross, a banana, various super heroes, and of course a Lucha Libre (FYI, race registration required you to submit your Mexican wrestler name). There was at least one e-bike (again, cheating was encouraged) and one tandem. Pretty impressive!

With a LeMans-style start, riders left their bikes near the start area. Matt dealt poker cards to each rider and running starts were called by suit – Hearts, Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds. A friend of mine threatened to run off with my cross bike, and I did my best to elbow my way past him. He managed to grab my bike and begrudgingly handed it to me as he came upon his mountain bike. Everything about this race was in jest.



The steep climb up “Marshmallow Hill” was worth the short episode of oxygen deficiency as we were met with eager kids and spectators all ready to pummel each rider with marshmallows, colorful heckling, beer handups, and whiskey shots. A few spectators even went so far as to make syringes with tubes on the end to ease the delivery of whiskey into willing mouths. I could definitely smell the distinct aroma in the air.



Like I said. Stupid fun. Not only for riders, but equally if not more so for spectators. After being around uber intense triathletes for the better of 7 years, it was a breath of fresh air to let loose, go off road, and feel the bonk of marshmallows bouncing off my helmet. Can’t wait for the debauchery of Bandido next year and many many more years to come! Viva Bandido!!

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