And the Winners Are . .

Congratulations to both of these wonderful and dedicated women. We will enjoy cheering you on come race day! Thank You for all you do!
IRONMAN 70.3 Boulder: Kim Welk
Kim Welk (1)My motto that I train by is “I race because I can for those that are not able to.”  In 2014, I took on my first endurance challenge as part of Team First Descents at the ING NYC Marathon.  As a part of the team, I raised funds and supported and represented the First Descents organization on the course.  It was inspiring and extremely motivating to have cancer sufferers and survivors who benefited from the funds raised on the course supporting us.
In 2015, I continued my racing on behalf of those that are not able to as part of Team Larry at the IRONMAN 70.3 Boulder.  This groups’ goal was to raise awareness of ALS and carry on the tradition of the Blazeman Foundation.  The team represented with nearly 30 participants and we showed our tribute to those battling ALS by rolling across the finish.
In September 2016, I am racing IRONMAN CHOO as part of Team Edith benefiting the Edith Sanford Cancer Foundation.  We currently have approximately 40 team members and are raising funds that will go directly to research to find a cure for Breast Cancer.  Among the team and supporters are many survivors and I am racing on behalf of them and my own family members that have battled breast cancer.  I am fortunate to have my health and wish to push my body toward new milestones and challenges while I have the ability to do so.
In addition to my own training, I also do my best to encourage an active lifestyle for kids and teens.  I have been a mentor for the Kids Running America program for nearly 10 years.  This program raises awareness and encourages the battle against childhood obesity.  The kids run the marathon or ultra distance over the course of 10 weeks and finish their distance together in the final mile.  Over the years I have supported nearly 400 kids in this program.  I am also a coach for the Kids that Tri Triathlon program – growing the next generation of triathletes.

IRONMAN Boulder: Cyndi
CyndiI signed up to do my first triathlon — the Boulder 70.3 — on what should have been my husband’s birthday. Having passed away from brain cancer, he wouldn’t be there to see me cross the line, but his never-give-up attitude gave me the strength, support and courage I needed on that — and every — day.
Over the years, I have dedicated my volunteer efforts to the cancer community: as a brain cancer caregiver mentor, a “chemo angel” supporting patients through their treatments, driving patients to their appointments, cooking for patients and their families, and working on a committee to bring a new 5K race to Denver to benefit brain cancer research.
As a bonus, I get to exemplify for my kids that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, earning me the title of IronMom for a day!

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