Race Preview for the Harvest Moon Long Course Triathlon

H moonBy Kirsten McCay-Smith
As I am writing this, there are only 18 spots left in the 17th running of the Harvest Moon Long Course Triathlon. Without Limits (the company putting on the race) is also offering a duathlon and aquabike. The race will take place on Sunday, September 18th this year and due to the ban on all triathlons taking place at Aurora Res, the race has moved to the Boulder Reservoir for 2016.
I have done the Harvest Moon Triathlon 5 times over the 16 years it has been around, and it’s always an adventure. September in Colorado is beautiful, yet unpredictable and I have been witness to ice on the lake race morning, crazy winds, and temps varying 60 degrees throughout the day! But whatever the weather, the Harvest Moon is one of my faves. It’s a low key, affordable, and fun race that is great for both beginner and competitive athletes.
The duathlon and aquabike options are great for those who want to go long, but only like 2 of the 3 sports in the triathlon.
Plus…with a slip-n-slide at the finish and great post-race food, it’s a fun event for the whole family.
Here is a rundown of the course…
SWIM: The swim is in the Boulder Res which has cooled down quite a bit since last month and will be wetsuit legal. The temps at the res are in the mid-60s right now. The 1.2 mile swim is a one lap, clock-wise swim around a rectangle shaped course. Orange buoys will mark the straight line, with lime green buoys marking the corner turns at the far end of the reservoir. This will be a wave start swim to help those who are new to triathlon or a little nervous for the swim. The aquabike will start in its own wave.
BIKE: This 56 mile bike course will be FAST!! If you have ever raced in Boulder, you have already ridden on all these roads. If not, basically the course is two loops: a slight incline for the first 5 miles, rollers the next 5, fast downhill the next 10, rollers the next 8, and then repeat.
RUN: The run course is 2 loops on dirt roads around the res. The course is mainly rollers with some climbing in the first half of the loop, which means the last half has some downhill. YAY!
DUATHLON: The duathlon course starts with an out and back 5K and then follows the same 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile course as the triathlon.
AQUABIKE: The aquabike follows the same swim and bike course as the triathlon.
I am very excited for the new course. I think it will be fun and fast. Without Limits ALWAYS puts on great races. I hope to see you all there!!

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