D3 now acepting applications for the 2018 Elite Development Team

Passionate triathletes, passionate coaches … the D3 Elite Development Team, brings the two together in Boulder, Colorado for a commitment of calculated workouts in order to achieve big-hairy-goals throughout a 10-month race season!  2018 will be our third season for the team and we have our goals set on peak performances once again.  This is the only co-ed elite team in the Boulder area and what uniquely sets this team apart from others is the quality of coaching, the commitment to your goals and the camaraderie of the team.  These are unsurpassed in the sport!
As a result of their commitment to hard work during training, the 2017 team earned numerous top podium spots, achieved personal bests and contributed to the overall success of Team D3 including:

* 1st AG, 18-24F, Ironman Canada
* 4th AG, 35-39F, Ironman Boulder
* 4th AG, 50-54M, Ironman Lousiville
Additionally, 2 of our 9 athletes in the Ironman World Championship race this past October train with the Elite Dev. Team.
Let’s move your racing forward to a higher level in 2018 (and future seasons)!
A little curious to see who was on the team this past year?  Interested to know what other successes the team has had?  It’s ok to do some additional research … here … but we know you’ll like what you see!
The D3 Elite Development Team is a good fit if you have:
* Your sites are set on achieving a breakthrough for the 2018 race season.
* Discipline to follow a training plan crafted by a D3 coach aligned with your individual goals.
* Determination to commit to ten months of swim, bike and run workouts with a team who all bring-their-A-game to each workout.
* Race history that demonstrates your moxie.
* Readiness to volunteer for at least one local-to-Boulder race.
* Willingness to engage on social media.
* Commitment to race at least one local-to-Boulder race with the entire team.
* Commitment to race in the Elite Dev. Team kit.
* In a nutshell, act as an ambassador for D3, support the mission and bring the heat when it comes to demonstrating our 3 Ds:  desire, determination, and discipline.
The Details:
Why: It’s in the coaching and it’s in the camaraderie. This team is your opportunity to achieve something BIG! With coaches that are as driven as you are, and who have an eye on helping athletes develop skills, race plans and dreams, this team is unparalleled. Weekly access to coaches with credentials that have helped athletes exceed their expectations is why this is of high value to you. We understand your training time is precious, and each training session will make progress toward achieving your goals. Plus, you will be accountable to teammates who also want to see you succeed.

Who: While having high achieving athletes on the team is exciting, we are interested in working with athletes who have the Desire, Determination and Discipline to take their game up a notch (or 5)! We are interested in developing the talent that lies within each athlete. Having the following baseline race results is a strong indicator of future success with our coaching:

+ Ironman: Under 11:00 with a goal of 10:00 or better.
+ Half Ironman: Within 5:00 hours, with a goal of going 4:30 or better.
+ Oly: 2:20 or better
+ Sprint: 1:12 or better
+ Ironman: Under 11:45 with a goal of 11:00 or better.
+ Half Ironman: Within 5:20 hours, with a goal of going 5:00 or better.
+ Oly: 2:35 or better
+ Sprint: 1:20 or better
Complete details HERE
Application HERE

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  1. Brent

    I am interested in the program, but I don’t live in Boulder and wouldn’t be able to get there for events throughout the season. Not sure what I would do. From January to May I am pretty busy at work, but most weekend and mornings are my workout time.

    • Mike Ricci

      Hi Brent, can you send me an email at mike@d3multisport.com ? Thanks!


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