Time Trial for Triathletes Starting March 18th, Check it Out, Great Deal for USAT Members

How well do you know how hard to push yourself on your bike? Or your run and swim for that matter? It’s much easier to find a track or a pool with uninterrupted ability to push hard and get consistent feedback on your effort. But biking takes a little more planning, especially as a triathlete wanting to break out your time trial bike. Yes, if you have an indoor trainer, utilizing heart rate and power metrics, it’s easy to simulate an effort and get rewarded with a jersey from Zwift. But there is nothing like being outside, racing others to really find out what you can do. Try a time trial series to get the season started.

Recently in Indianapolis, college football players were tested every which way possible so teams can evaluate them for the upcoming draft. But these simulated efforts have historically proven iffy when it comes to performance in games. Yes, an eye popping 4.22, 40 yard dash looks great on paper, and probably puts some money in someone’s pocket as their draft status improves, but the best wide receiver in NFL history, Jerry Rice wasn’t even close to that. In other words, it’s what happens in the heat of the moment that counts. 

Maybe you can throw down a 300 watt effort for 20 minutes on your Feedback Omnium trainer, which in theory might translate to a 23 mph average at an Olympic distance triathlon, or a 23 minute climb up Lookout—but maybe not. Perhaps you don’t stay in such a powerful position when a cross wind makes that front Zipp 404 wobble a little bit. Or maybe you are so competitive that when you see someone to pass, you find power fueled by endorphins produced in the heat of the moment. It’s hard to maintain the perfect power position for an entire race but practicing at a race like the Karen Hornbostel Time Trial (KHMTT) will certainly help. 

If you are a triathlete who doesn’t race bikes much, the KHMTT is a great way to test your limits and have fun. Time trialing in March not only divulges your fitness level coming out of winter, but it gives you that metabolic boost that comes with digging deep that will serve you better for the upcoming season.  The race is held every Wednesday night starting March 18th at Cherry Creek State Park. Special pricing is offered to current USAT members. Full schedule and general information can be found HERE

The 9.6 mile relatively flat course will test your limits, give you chances to work on your handling skills and compare your efforts to others and yourself. The KHMTT is a seven week series giving you the chance to see improvement week over week. You don’t have to do the whole series, you can come try it once or as many times as you like.

Details of that program for USAT members are here: https://khmtt.com/usat-registration-start/

For non USAT members information is here. https://khmtt.com/bikereg/

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